The fast, easy

way to foreign


Swap currency in low rates, and affordable charges. Send money to friends and families near and far away with ease.

Why use Smartsend?

Send and receive money cheaper and easier at your own rate.

Send and receive money with other users at your own exchange rate, with no hidden fees at your own convenience.

Receive payments with ease in multi-currencies.

Receive payments or exchange funds in multi-currencies of your choice by creating multiple foreign wallets.

Convert and swap in multi-currencies.

Create multiple foreign wallets for free and swap currencies securely at affordable exchange rates.

Swap and receive

money in

foreign currency

Have local currency in your own wallet, and when in need of foreign currency; convert your money in seconds with an affordable exchange rate.


Service Charge : 5.00 USSD

Total Charges : 1,050.00 USSD



Send money at your

own exchange rate

Send and receive money with ease across the globe. Swap offers you a marketplace platform to create and accept deals at your own exchange rate.

Data Protection

We are transparent in how we keep, process and verify your account data.

2 Factor Authentication

We use 2-factor authentication to protect your account and transactions.

Secured Banks

We work with established financial instutions to help maintain and ease our transaction processes.

Regulated Authorities

We work with regulated Partners and stay aligned with CBN rules and regulations.


Safe protection for you

and your money

We adhere to standard security recommendations, by providing our users with the utmost data protection and security to safeguard their account data and transactions.

How do I Start?

Get started and begin sending money

to friends and families


Register your data

Download the app on the available platforms and signup with your email address.


KYC Verification

Complete your KYC requirements and wait for them accepted and verified.


Create Deal Offers

Fund your wallet through easy and secure payment gateways, then create deal offers at your preferred rate.


Send & Receive Money

Send and recieve money in multiple currencies across the globe the comfort of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Get quality answers to your questions

What is Smartsend and how does it work?

How long does it take to verify my account data?

How do I create a second wallet and how long does it take to verify it?

How do I create and accept offers in the marketplace?

How do I receive foreign currency when I have a local wallet?